The Game Defends Usher Amid Herpes Scandal

(AllHipHop Rumors) Someone check on Usher man!
It’s been a rough two weeks for him as the veteran R&B singer has been plagued with rumors about him allegedly giving his ex-wife’s bridesmaid herpes, as well as paying her a $1.1 million settlement for doing so.
Since the word of the alleged old lawsuit and settlement from about 8-years-ago hit the net, people have been ridiculing the singer non-stop. It had gotten so bad on day one that he decided to turn off the comments on many of his Instagram posts.
Folks have even been using his own songs and videos against him to create memes and parodies. Damn Usher Raymond. One woman also supposedly took her lawsuit against the singer from $10 million to $40 million when she too tested positive for the virus.
Well as if it couldn’t get any worse, ambulance-chasing lawyer Lisa Bloom claims that several women have reached out to her claiming they too have been endangered by having unprotected sex with Usher without knowing his status.
“Endangering women’s health by having unprotected sex with herpes? Three women have now reached out to me about Usher. Stay tuned,” said Bloom.
She also tweeted,
“It’s also a violation of criminal law in many states to have unprotected sex without disclosure of your STD. As it should be. How much unprotected sex did Usher have after his herpes diagnosis? Women are reaching out to me. How dare he endanger women’s health?”
While so many people have “turned” on Usher, one person who has his back is The Game. The Game defended Usher on Instagram.
“Stop tryna tear n-ggas down with all this maybe bogus sh-t… Jane Doe this & Jane Doe that…a week ago everybody were usher fans, now because of a health condition he may or may not have, its f-ck usher, stay away from him, his wife should’ve done this etc….1/2 the people commenting in here ain’t even took a shower or brushed they teeth this morning yet & got dirty dicks & fish market smellin’ vaginas tryna weigh in on somebody else’s life. foh & let this man live bruh,” said Game.
Usher keep your head up!
It’s not just Usher. Been fielding calls about several other STD-positive A list musicians who infected partners. Be careful out there.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) July 25, 2017
Endangering women’s health by having unprotected sex with herpes? Three women have now reached out to me about Usher. Stay tuned.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) July 23, 2017
It’s also a violation of criminal law in many states to have unprotected sex without disclosure of your STD. As it should be.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) July 22, 2017
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