

Rapper Angello Black Releases Hot New Single “Copa”

Scottsdale, Arizona’s own Latin hip-hop crossover artist Angello Black dropped his latest song Copa (Cup) . Originally hailing from Virginia, the first generation rapper/musician became enamored with the idea of a career in music at the age of 14 after having a vivid dream about becoming a performer. At the same age he was inspired to hone his craft by listening to the hip-hop artists of that time such as Jay Z, Eminem and Young Jeezy who are considered legendary MC’s today.

Over the years Black has crafted a very diverse modern style that is a mix of Latin EDM and hip-hop while he frequently spits rhymes with ease in both English and Spanish. He has also been methodically developing his brand working with other up and coming music artists while also being heavily involved in producing music tracks for television, social media and film. Black sees himself as morphing into a mogul in the music industry similar to other savvy triple threat performers turned music moguls like Dr. Dre and Black’s childhood idol Jay Z. Black sees his future as being a talent well known for producing, writing and performing – “a connoisseur to the business side of the music industry”, he says.

Angello Black’s song Copa (Cup) produced and written by Black, Izzy Neutron, and DJ Shaw T is in reference to the value of women being more than just a trophy or arm candy. Black explains, “It’s about beautiful, independent hardworking women. The go-getters. The ones that want a successful man as their companions. ”

Copa floods is available on ITunes and throughout digital media platforms.

To learn more or Follow Angello Black visit:

For Media inquiries please contact Reyna Trevino at Trevino Enterprises at
818-302-0030 or via email:


Born in Texas to Salvadoran parents, Angello Black lived with his single mother. As a young child he remembers going to El Salvador and listening to an artist by the name of El General (Reggaeton). His sound rescinded with him for years to come. “I felt his music through my veins and from there on I made a decision that I wanted to one day make music like that” At the young age of 10 Angello’s mom could no longer financially or emotionally support her son that she had no choice but put him in foster care. Throughout the years he lived with several families, the last of which he grew very close too. His foster Grandma, who was a singer herself, inspired and encouraged him to pursue a musical career.


Everything starts with just a dream. A tiny spark. When Angello Black was just 14 years old he had a dream of performing that seemed so real, so vivid that it became his life’s goal and ambition. As a first generation musician, he began exploring the sounds he heard around him and has developed into a hip-hop artist primed for superstardom with a growing fan base stretching from the U.S, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. “Music is a part of my life, countless sacrifices life-changing experiences, music moves me everywhere. It’s the fuel to my soul. I enjoy the process of producing my craft, performing it. Its a way of life. But it’s also serving as in influence to those aspiring to peruse their dreams”, says Angello. Black adds, “My style is very modern, Latin EDM, hip-hop, rap. I usually switch it up – English and Spanish in the records. I keep it diverse in my music”.

His sound is an amalgamation of today’s boss hip-hop tones with rhymes displaying a feverishly versatile Latin swagger, taking cues and lessons from his influences such as Jay Z, Eminem, Young Jezzy, and Tego Calderon just to name a few who have laid the groundwork before him. Angello Black has also been writing private projects for television programming, commercials, ads, and movie trailers for a while now as an in-demand independent artist. Having already successfully created music for brands such as Warner Bro’s , Buzz Feed Netflix, and Toyota, Black is confident in expressing his future, “I predict my music will be collecting Grammy’s and Billboards, it will be heard globally and thru out the entire universe. ”

With the care and sweat equity that Angello Black puts into his work as both an artist and performer one is apt to believe his prediction will easily come to fruition. Currently, Black has three tunes he wrote and produced “Rap Don”, “Chapulin” and “Cumpleaños” featured on Spotify, iTunes, and YouTube. He says his music is a reflection of the life he has lived and seen set to compositions. One can tell that sky’s the limit for the young rapper as he proclaims, “this upcoming year of 2018 will be in full force of promotion and marketing my music campaigns. I also will be more involved in major labels and brands. Expanding my music all across the globe.”

Angello is currently gearing up for a promotional campaign promoting his new music and his new music video. He hopes to also one day to open up his own organization that will mentor foster children and let them know that there is hope out there with great opportunities.
