Pooh Shiesty Rebuts Snitching Claims, Wack 100 Replies!
Often, the misinterpretation of one’s intended delivery quickly causes chaos. For instance, Wack 100’s salacious allegations regarding Pooh Shiesty is arousing a few strenuous reactions. In fact, Slime Lil Dude emphatically rebuts all snitching claims. Of course, Wack 100 replies.
So, a recent Clubhouse interaction from Wack 100 insinuates that the Memphis musician is “a snitch.” Consequently, to categorically dismiss the allegations, the “No Chorus” rapper quickly uses the power of social media. Thus, he firmly solidifies his stance.
With this intention, Mr. “Still Remember” vehemently expresses his code of ethics. In order to best reach his audience he employs the use of an Instagram story. There, he includes the following message. “‘Omertà.’ It will never show in no paper that I set down with the government and gave a statement on no one on the case for something in return in that case I will not be here,” he states.
As a matter of fact, he continues, “A factual proffer is not a government proffer where the weak will sit down and tell they sole. No the difference before you use my name in vein.” Although, Big Shiesty, fails to directly address Wack 100, it seems as though he is taking issue with the West coast manager.
“Before I bit some cheese I sit down and keep quiet,” quips the currently incarcerated artist. Moreover, he mentions, “Anyone that enters a negotiation plea agreement it will be a factual proffer of the factual basis that the government will use in court to prove of the guilt they trying to show[.] Before concluding the comment, the “At It Again” MC offers a challenge, “I want all you lame ass dudes keep the same energy I stand on business.”
The Clap Back
Moreover, Ms. Gladys, who is partly responsible for helping to shape his character, gives a strong reaction to Wack 100’s claim. To be certain, her stance is correctly interpreted she decides, to directly blue line the Left Coast veteran. So, within her IG stories Mama Shiesty comes for Wack. “Your mammy raised a b#### [but] Ms. Gladys raised a savage 🦢
Copping Deuces
However, Wack 100 takes advantage of a more nonchalant approach. Additionally, he insists that both Mama and Pooh Shiesty have somehow misconstrued his former remarks. So, he says as much:
“To @poohshiesty mother I understand your emotions but you responded to a lie. To the attorney your weird learn the truth your a attorney @lawronin your suppose to know what to address after doing your do diligence . IIF THIS IS A REPRESENTATION OF HOW YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH MAYBE YOUR THE REASON #PoohShiesty CAUGHT THE TIME- I GOT LOVE FOR THIS MAN – POLITICS ARE POLITICS WHAT REAL IS REAL”
To remain updated on his antics be certain to check out his Instagram. Also, this responsive post is available there.
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Author: Niki Gatewood (@THE_NikiG)
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