
J.I.D. Paints Nudes & Runs From Vengeful Archers In “DiCaprio 2” Trailer

J.I.D.’s DiCaprio 2 is coming on November 26th, and the young Dreamville rapper seems poised for a well-deserved breakout. Today, the Atlanta lyricist has delivered a cinematic trailer for his upcoming project, which finds him channeling the Oscar-winning actor throughout a reimagined showcase of Leo’s greatest hits. All the while, promising instrumentals provide the backdrop, including “151 Rum” and “Off Deez.” Though assumptions are seldom wise, it seems safe to conclude that a variety of the instrumentals will be appearing on the forthcoming album.

In the brief trailer, J.I.D. depicts scenes from Inception, The RevenantWolf Of Wall Street, Titanic, Django Unchained, and The Aviator. It’s a good look for the young rapper, who brings a refreshing dose of humor to the mix. We’ve already marked him as one of the game’s best lyricists, and if this is any indication, DiCaprio 2 will be fun, ambitious, and impressive across the board. 

Support J.I.D. by checking for his upcoming album November 26th. 

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Author: Mitch Findlay

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